• Member Since 6th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen March 21st


Black Sun Ponyverse

The Black Sun is the name I gave the fictional universe my stories take part in. (the group is still under construction)
There are two main storylines.
The first is the actual story, where all the action is taking place.
The second is a surprise:

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Back at it · 11:42pm Dec 7th, 2014

Hello everyone,
Recently life and a Fallout Equestria game I've been part off have been taking up all of my time, so I decided to share that experience with you all. Not my life, just the game, so...

I am back with a new story, Fallout Equestria Big Businesses, which is a fiction based of the event of the game.

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Report vadram · 517 views ·

Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38

Welcome to the Fallout Equestria Group! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

Now it says one week, but with the lack of interaction like they used to in The Writer's Group, it might as well be a year.

Last seen 10 weeks....:ajsleepy: :fluttercry:

You're pretty good! I wish I was as good as you are!

I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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