• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen July 19th



Have you all been fine? · 1:31am Aug 8th, 2014

I've been out of communication for a while, sorry boss man, but I have a valid excuse! So check It I went abroad a few months back, to get away from the house, and boom! I'm in Canada. So anyways I've been hunting elk and wolf but I found this cute little pup! I just had to keep him, but the people that are giving me room and board don't want it in the house. It's young and stuff so I slip it into the back and they are fine with it. What I didn't know was that it was also an escape artist. So

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Comments ( 131 )
  • Viewing 127 - 131 of 131

Glad to know one of the old ones is still around!

Thank you for still reading my stuff.

And I'm okay. Not quite alright. But you come to accept that in life.

I hope all goes as well as it can for you in life.
~ Yr. Lifelong Pal, B

Still lurking. Still reading. You’ve been banging fic after fic after fic. You okay?

You're still around?

Hope things slow down for you soon.

  • Viewing 127 - 131 of 131
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