• Member Since 24th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen June 18th


Also known as HUE JACKMAN! And more recently, Blaasz. My twitter: https://twitter.com/Blaaszz


I'M BAAAAAAAAACK! (Turn it up!) · 4:36pm Jul 22nd, 2014

Finally, after an incredibly long and obnoxious hiatus from writing alltogether, I have returned from the dead to give the living hair cuts... and more fics and chapters to existing fics, as well!

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Report StreakTheFox · 1,510 views · Story: Twilust ·

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Comments ( 131 )
  • Viewing 127 - 131 of 131

Thank you for inspiring me.

So are you ever really coming back, or are you gone for good now?

tea or coffee?

  • Viewing 127 - 131 of 131
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