• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 11th, 2012

Holla Jolla

I'm that one black guy. "Easy reading is damn hard writing." Nathaniel Hawthorne


Request Time #1 (CLOSED) · 11:45pm Mar 25th, 2012

Aight, so here we go. This is the first of hopefully many Request Times! After some debating on my part, I've decided that from time to time I will take a request from this here blog. Now, not ever request that I take from now on will be from here. I will probably take one from MLPG, and then one from here, alternating as I go. Ocasionnally, I may do one for myself, but I will normally do this. This way, people who like me from here but not /co/ can make a request, too. But first, lemme lay

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Rest in peace dude. Your clop was awesome.

792007 I say I tell you he ded.

i guess hes dead.... shame....

Comment posted by JustJeffrey deleted Jun 8th, 2015
  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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