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Things You Should Totally Read Instead
An Unepic Pony War In The Non-Distant Future Ponyville hosts the 1003rd Summer Sun Celebration. Celestia and Luna are taking a vacation. Nothing could possibly go wrong. by anowack 10,030 words · 1,863 · 23
It Takes a Village Spike only wants things to stay the same. Time, however, has other ideas. He's going to need help... by determamfidd 148,765 words · 3,635 · 66
Hard Reset Twilight gives her life to stop a changeling invasion. Repeatedly. by Eakin 36,358 words · 8,309 · 135
There's no real theme to these, I just loved each and every word--even if some of them made me wince--of all of these, and I've given all of them at least a second read-through. Seriously, they're that good.
Thanks for the follow!
Well, I'm glad I was able to bring a smile, and some sanity. And you might be pleased to hear that I'm already working on my next round of craziness.
Delightfully unhinged tales such as that one are what keep me sane on workdays.
That one gave me most of the week.
Thank you for adding Cthulhu Smothers Fluttershy with a Pillow to your favourites! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for the watch!