• Member Since 7th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 5th, 2023

Ascension Call

There and back again.

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Post-update blog 3: What's next? · 11:29pm Feb 24th, 2015

Chapter 4 of course!

Here I am desperately making time to finish it up since I'm just as eager as you guys to find out what happens next. Shouldn't be too difficult to guess, though...
I'm glad I made some of your days with the resurrection of the fic, so it's time to keep the good times rolling. Also, I'd like to give thanks to Setokaiva and other readers in the comments for scoping out extra errors. Love the hell out of this community, you guys all rock!

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Report Ascension Call · 966 views · Story: The White Rider ·


Real name: You can call me Jon.
Age: College student.
Location: North America, somewhere.
Likes: Trending movies (don't watch too many films in general), vidya games (on that PS4 and Steam goodness), books (LoTR, stuff by Eoin Colfer, also trending reads), anime (Attack on Titan these days), and of course, MLP!

Comments and PMs are welcome. Don't be strangers!

(Will insert more bio later. Way later, probably)

Comments ( 104 )
  • Viewing 100 - 104 of 104

this idiots probably dead or something to have not been on so long

2218932 Maybe. Though he has precedent with a previous 2 year break that he came back from. I'd love to see White Rider continue, but I enjoyed what is out there on it. Can't give up hope!

He's been offline for almost a year, not looking good for The White Rider being updated anytime soon

oh noes, another hiatus! and your last blog post made me so hopeful too.

  • Viewing 100 - 104 of 104
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