• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2022


im just a man who loves ponies probably more then i should but certainly less then some


holy crap i'm still here · 3:06am Aug 25th, 2012

to all 3 of you whom care....or at least will get notified by this blog

sorry bout the below word vomit but....buck it its a blog entry

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Report sycotic · 437 views ·
Comments ( 71 )
  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71

Thank you for the fave :yay:

Thanks for the fav! Twilight's next challenge in PPBC is in the works.

Thanks for adding Scrub-a-Dub Princess to your favorites.

Glad to see that you enjoyedEd, Edd n Eddy Equestrian Mis-Edventures! Feedback is always appreciated!

Thanks for favoriting "Scaled Heights!":twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71
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