• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2020


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New Story · 11:29pm Nov 23rd, 2013

I just uploaded a new story and I just wanted to inform you that it is not, by any standards, my finest work. In fact I really rather dislike it, but I hope you guys, as readers, enjoy it and don't take it seriously as a story of my full potential. Enjoy!

Report Magicolt808 · 574 views ·
Comments ( 66 )
  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66

Would you be interested in joining the group, Species of Equestria? It is a group for organizing all the fabulous stories with different species into smaller groups with other stories of their kind!

I'm facing the Dunk Squad, Team Mordekaiser(Me) vs Team Darius(Them

Hey, man congrats on over 90 followers! I remember reading one of your stories when you only had about 14! You've come a long way, so good job, and keep writing! :raritywink:

188350 Sorry, I've been busy doing a lot of stuff lately. How are you?

  • Viewing 62 - 66 of 66
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