• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 46 minutes ago


Struggling to edit and write, and starting to read.


Aro Twilight Story: Bereft of Love - Mulling Over
Lovecraft-Lite AU: The Mares in the Moon - Writing/Editing
Moondancer Horror Story: Psychosomatic - Mulling Over
Sliders crossover: A Hop, Skip and a Slide - Mulling over/Planning World Ideas
Power Ponies Origin Stories: Selfless and others - Considering
Hypoesthesia Sequels: Anesthesia and Paresthesia - Planning


EFNW - Plans and Panels · 12:07am Last Thursday

Hey all. The schedule for EFNW was posted, and I can announce that my panel for the convention was accepted.

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