• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
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A good story isn't measured by how long it is, but by how long it stays with you.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

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Compati, Re(up)loaded · 12:54am Last Wednesday


So yea, long time no post. I'm not really one for words, even though I have about 270 thousand to post.

I'll be reuploading a chapter a day, until we get back to where we were previously, at which point I'll resume the Mon/Fri posting schedule. Chapter 1 is up now. Enjoy.

Onward and Upward!

Report Corejo · 132 views · Story: Compatī ·

Current Production!


Sunset Shimmer lived a perfect life: an aspiring career as Princess Celestia’s star pupil, a budding romance, and the perfect best friend to discover the wonders of the world that made life worth living. But under the guise of a new friend Sunset met in her dreams, Nightmare Moon sought to upend everything in the name of vengeance, and the powers that be demanded their pound of flesh.

Years later, long after the dust had settled, Sunset found her home beyond the portal. Life was good, if a little strange. But when Princess Luna comes seeking to quell the nightmares of a past that still haunt her, those nightmares rapidly spiral out of control, and Sunset is faced with the impossible decision of allying herself with the very individual who had destroyed her life.

With little choice, they strike a tentative partnership, and as past and present converge to threaten all that Sunset holds dear, she is left standing at the precarious ledge of a question that may very well have no answer:

Is there a limit to forgiveness?

Comments ( 79 )
  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79

Hewwo :3

Hope your day is well! 😇

Glad you liked it!

I really love the poem One Full Day in Reading Rainbow. What excellent writing.
I remembered it from years ago and it took me hours to find it again - totally worth it.

Well well well how the chairs have spun... insert picture of Celestia and Luna spinning on chairs here

  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79
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