I found the keys to my writing desk · 8:47am Saturday
It took longer than anticipated, but I finally tracked down the keys to my beautiful rolltop desk. This means I've got access to a whole host of unpublished works that I'm planning on polishing and getting in front of your eyes as soon as I can. I have enough to post once a week for a while so, barring unforeseen issues on my side, you should be seeing some new stuff soon.
If you like something you see, let me know.
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!
Admiral Snuggles appreciates your support
I honestly thought I'd followed you years ago. Imagine my shock and horror. Congrats on the feature, it's well deserved!
Thanks for the fav and follow!
I did, thanks! Hope you did, too!
Good to see you at Everfree Northwest this year. Hope you had a great time.