• Member Since 14th Jun, 2013
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"If you’re writing fiction, it’s a great idea to have a plot. It will coordinate your thoughts and add consistency to the text." -Lydia


Slight delay but not for long. · 2:06pm Apr 30th, 2020

So I know I said the chapter would be out by the end of April but that was before... THE VIRUS. ***Dun dun duuuh* *Thunder crash***

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Report H3lios · 240 views · Story: The Dusk Shine Anomaly ·

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  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47

Thanks for adding Forbidden Melodies to your Good Stories shelf.

Thanks for the add.

Also thanks for adding Cards Against the Princesses to your library!

Thanks for adding Cards Against Starlight to your library!

Thanks for adding my story to your library!

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