• Member Since 6th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen March 14th

ValNitak Choas

i am a nice goblin who look for fun, bits, love, bits, sexy plots, bits, sex, bits, and cheesecake... can never have enought cheesecake


my mlp oc · 9:51pm Aug 18th, 2017

my oc,
Name: Eshiraith Blackheart
Race: demon-pony hybrid unicorn base [twin horn that curve backwards
age: 473 years old, [been in outside of Tartarus for 200 years]
Gender: herm
Mane/Tail: onxy black with blue stripe mix in, both mane and tail are braided
Coat: grey
Eyes: glowing fel green
cutie mark: green swirl with an eye in the middle [like lenses of truth from Zelda eye symbol]

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Thanks for the fave

Thanks for the fav. Appreciate any like and or comment:heart:

Thanks for the fave.

Also thanks for the favourite on Trixie's Infiltration!

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