• Member Since 28th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Who am I?

Hi, my name is Seraphine but you guys can call me Serra.

I am pretty plain all things concerned, I don't really dress up and I am pretty scrawny but my favorite thing to wear is definitely a hoodie, even better than that is one with the big pocket on the front... getting a little off topic but yeah.

I don't have many hobbies and my life goals are currently close to nil, though I love my family and as well as my friends. I lost my voice when I was young so I can't speak my thoughts like most people but my Mom always says I am a chatter-box since I always have my trusty white-board with me. My best friend is my sister Jo, she has been with me through thick and thin and even though we sometimes argue, she is always the one to hold out her hand for me in hard times and I love her so much for that.

I have been through quite a bit but it wasn't all bad, I have been in and out of the hospital since I was young with a weak body, it still didn't stop me until I was 20. I ended up collapsing in the bar I worked at, next thing you know three years go by with many surgeries and a plethora of boredom from having to stay in a hospital, to the surprise of my doctors I had stabilized.

I wont go into details but it meant that I could finally go home, be with my sister, see my friends again. Not to mention, come back to the community and my PC, I couldn't do much in the ICU with what little tech I was allowed to bring in but now that I am back home I can finally enjoy MLP again.

So with that in mind, if you ever feel like you need a friend, or just to ask a question. Please don't hesitate.

My Stories!

What I am currently Working on
The Witch of the Everfree forest!

What I am likely to be working on soon

What will be on the back burner for now
Death By Fluff
The new moon: Truth behind Nightmare Moon!
The price of effeminacy.
Silver Bane
Eternal Darkness
The Vast Unknown

Latest Stories

Comments ( 103 )
  • Viewing 99 - 103 of 103

Is "Witch of the Everfree Forest" going to continue, or has it been shelved?

Thank you for adding Overlords and Friendship to your Favortoies!

Very rarely atm, just sorting stuff to finally move into my own house so I've been super busy

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