• Member Since 25th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 24th, 2015


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Anyone want to edit? · 3:56am Jan 26th, 2015

So there comes a time in every fanfic author's life when they would like to stop pushing things onto the internet that are more typos than story.

That time has come for me.

I already have two generous users who are giving Equestria's Twilight a look over before I post those chapters.

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Report Sapidus3 · 1,207 views ·
Comments ( 218 )
  • Viewing 214 - 218 of 218

You will probably never read this, but I really enjoyed reading your stuff early on in my fandom days,

Came to pay my respects. See you fellas at Ragnarök.

Been fun.

He's dead Jim.


Same. Amazing author and sad to see so many go...

  • Viewing 214 - 218 of 218
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