• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen April 19th


Here lies the wistful delusions of the sleep addled mind. Actually wait, no, just me.


Apotheosis of the Night Picture Dump · 6:53am Feb 16th, 2018

Just dumping pictures for Apotheosis of the Night

Luna all prettied up:

Nightmare Moon:

Eris (best I could find, ditch the reds for darker purples):

Report Dark0592 · 712 views · Story: Apotheosis of the Night ·

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Comments ( 175 )
  • Viewing 171 - 175 of 175

I am still alive! And despite my inactivity still keeping an eye on my fimfiction. I don't know if I'll ever come back to these as I don't even have the time for DnD anymore but I've still got docs for all of the incompletes

Asuming you still alive :P Wish you the best and hope you might one day return to us with tales and wonders! <3

I am still alive lol, just haven't been able to get back into writing. All of that energy goes into the DnD games I run, and I work far more than when I posted regularly.

How you doing Dark? Still kicking?

Still alive and kicking, just working a lot and focusing on DnD

  • Viewing 171 - 175 of 175
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