• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 29th, 2024



Moonstuck Animal Crossing Patterns! · 12:05am Dec 25th, 2013

I just posted a bunch of QR Codes for Animal Crossing New Leaf Patterns made from Moonstuck panels.
You can find them Right Here!

I also made three from Egophiliac's "Dread Pirate Woona" which can be found HERE.

My eyes hate me right now...

Here are a couple of previews:

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Report Xenotype · 553 views ·

I generally follow authors for one of a few reasons:

1: I know them IRL ( as far as I know this has not happened yet

2: One of their stories has been completed and they have announced but not yet posted a sequel

3: they have at least 2 stories on my favorite list.

-Corollary A: If they only have one story but I like it enough then I'll follow anyway

4: I meant to follow them earlier but forgot to

5: To quote Maxwell Adams of the Freelance Astronauts:

I just had this impulse to do that like, "Yeah alright. Sure. Sounds good Impulse; I'll go with that."

Comments ( 78 )
  • Viewing 74 - 78 of 78

Thank you for the watch. I will do my best to live up to it.

I can't find a comment here about me thanking you for fave'ing Duellum Telum... Well, better late than never, I always say. Have a woona pic

Uhh. Thanks for... uhh... what you did, I guess?

Edit: Got added to AU, Adventure, Human, Romance... Not exactly sure what that means. This new Fimfiction system is still confusing me.

Thanks for the fave and the follow. :pinkiehappy:

1341529 It was somewhat different so I thought I'd give it a shot. So far it's pretty good.

  • Viewing 74 - 78 of 78
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