• Member Since 5th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Two facts according to the internet. 1. Your mother is the largest object in the known universe. 2. Despite fact 1, everyone still slept with her for some reason.

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Well hello there.

So, I see you are interested in me. I'm not really sure why, but alright, here is some basic info for you.

I am a thirty year old male from the Netherlands. I've been a brony since early 2012, and I started writing fics on this site to improve my writing, English, and to see if I could make something that others would be interested in.

Seeing that you are currently here, I would say that I have gained your interest somehow. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

Okay, I am not really sure what else to tell you, so I just leave it at that. If you have questions, just leave a comment.

Also, Twilight is best pony.

Me writing my stories.

Comments ( 83 )
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Life has been rough, true. But that doesn't mean I have been gone for that long. I updated Goap and SS back in October. And am working on the next chaper of Celeatia's side trip.

It is slow going, but it is going

hey dude whats up? how ur life doing? i loved mörgömona testemony i really enjoyed it and cant wait to see the sequel. ofc life is happening but we didnt hear anything from you 2 years now.

Oof, I guess I forgot that I sent it before, lol

I sent an invite 'cuz you seem like a cool dude. :rainbowdetermined2:

  • Viewing 79 - 83 of 83
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New chapters coming soon · 9:50pm Aug 23rd, 2023

As the title says, new chapters are coming soon to a screen near you.

It has been a long, long time since my last story update, and I explained in my last blog why. Well, I'm doing considerably better, and have been writing quite a bit since then. If all goes to plan, then next Sunday I will upload all the updated chapters I have posted so far of Guilt of a Phantom and Silver Spirit AND a brand new chapter for both. 

But wait. There's more!

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Report Powerdrainer · 249 views · Story: Guilt of a Phantom ·