• Member Since 10th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 2nd, 2015


Hi there! I'ma real boy! And I like coton candy, lolipops, and ponies! Wooooooooooooooo! Send not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for YOU. MUHAHAHA


I'm back! · 8:59pm Jan 11th, 2015

Still have a few problems finding time, but I have access to the site at least.

So... hello! Again!

Report ShadowlessNight · 465 views ·
Comments ( 140 )
  • Viewing 136 - 140 of 140

Not at all! Thank you for taking the time and care that you have to write a story fully worth favoriting! I just finished your most recent chapter of Twilights World, and I feel obligated to say that I personally really enjoy the explanations. Science has always been something I enjoy, and even if some of the things mentioned I already knew, I enjoy the reactions and getting the chance to see things from a diffrent perspective. (I actually did read the chapter on how a laser works, and managed to learn enough to go and study them some more. So that's a plus!) I also enjoy the interactions between characters, as they actually feel thought out to the point of 'what would this specific character do', and not just 'well the average joe would do this.... I'll have them do that!'.

I look forward to future chapters and any future stories, good sir!

(Also, thank you for taking the time to show your appreciation!)

And thanks too - for favoring Twilight's World.

Thanks for the watch. But I think it will be a few months before I post any other story.

1602717 You got this! I beeeelliieeeve in you!

  • Viewing 136 - 140 of 140
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