• Member Since 5th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 30th, 2018


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Ask me a thousand things! · 4:02am Sep 3rd, 2018

Let's play a game!

Ask me a thousand questions! I shall answer them truthfully within certain boundaries (meaning I won't pass out information too personal or stuff that's just nasty for the sake of nasty)!

I look forward to your fascinating questions!

Report GnollReader · 1,434 views · #Gnollreader
Comments ( 196 )
  • Viewing 192 - 196 of 196

RIP dear author

For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...

Hey GnollReader,

you probably even won't read this, but I wanted to say "thank you".
Thank you for all the excellent stories! For example "The Reader" was (and still is) a fresh breath of air.

I would have loved to find out how "The Reader: Book Two" and "Diary of a Store Clerk" (and all your other stories) end, but even if they remain unfinished (like too many good things do) I am glad you wrote them as far as you did. Thanks again, and may fortune smile upon your, wherever you are.

On the off chance that someone who actually knows, why did this guy go poof? Did they just lose interest or something? Or was there some outside force or whatever that... happened, I guess, that made them leave?

Been a long while.

  • Viewing 192 - 196 of 196
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