• Member Since 30th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2020


What? You expect a trick? Go talk to another Zman, I'm busy.

Latest Stories of Mine


Some less then stellar news. · 7:59pm Jan 2nd, 2015

A few weeks ago, the doctors found a lump in my dad's prostate. Yeah, I'm just saying it now and not dancing around it. Anyways, after having a biopsy and all those lovely tests, and well... They came out positive for cancer. At first, I wasn't too worried. Lot's of guys got prostate cancer, and if it was caught soon enough it was easy to beat. I've known my dad to be a stubborn old bird, and have always admired him. Being an ex Air-Force Tech Sargent also helped fill that admiration.

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Project X Zone Update
Good news, the new chapter is dropping tomorrow after forever and a half of trying to get a lid on all the plot bunnies that sprang up around this story. As of tomorrow, I am updating on a schedule (at least for this story) of every other Sunday.



P.S. Also, the Password's the same as before.

You still writing Z?

Thank you for the Fave on Through Ashes And Fire. :twilightsmile:

1647019 I'll be sure to check that out, and what drew me was the fact that I rarely find any good KH fics.

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