In a fandom that's so fond of shipping, it's inevitable: somepony is going to be shipped with themselves.
This group is for stories that do so.
Folder Descriptions:
Rule 63 -- Ponies with genderbent versions of themselves--for instance, Twilight Sparkle/Dusk Shine or Rarity/Elusive. These pairings are M/F by definition.
Cloneshipping -- "My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!" The classic joke taken to its logical conclusion. A pony makes a clone of themselves... and gets distracted somewhere along the way. These pairings are M/M or F/F.
Time/Dimensional Travel -- Imagine if Twilight had traveled back in time to warn herself not to worry about the future... and then noticed for the first time how attractive she was. Again, these will be M/M or F/F.
Psychosis -- Dissociative Identity Disorder gone terribly, terribly right. Examples are Pinkie Pie/Pinkamena or Nightmare Moon/Luna. Can be M/F, M/M, or F/F.
Changelings -- Changelings are shapeshifters. This is a selfcest group. See where I'm going with this?
The picture on main page doesn't work anymore.
any spike x barb?
proofreading and
editing service
PM me with any requests
Does anyone else notice the number of stories?
Was that just a coincidence?
here is my nomination for the official song for this group:
Just curious, I have a colen/herd of Pinkie Pie, which would be more correct, clone or R63?
This ship involves a male and two female clones of her.
So, I never realized I never joined this group.
Also, I've had this image on my computer for so long I can't even figure out where I got it from. Can somepony not me write a sexy hot story out of this?
"Cracks fingers, rolls neck"
I joined to say this.
This group is a towering pillar of human achievement, whose very existence proves that goodness is still in this world and worth writing for.
Bye now.
I joined to say this.
What the fuck.
Bye now.
I don't know. I think C'est La Vie is the best Cest.
You mean noticed for the second time. Or is it the first? Or both? Would she have noticed second first, then first second? Hmm......i'll have to think about this.
Presumably I could add stories to the Time/Dimensional Travel folder which involved human versions, yes?
I see I've come to the right place!
Is that something like 10 new members today? I think the contest is already yielding desirable results.
294423 I love you
289889 I am ok with this.