• Member Since 21st Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Complexity and simplicity. I am a jack of all trades. All I ask for is an upvote and comment. Maybe a watch to?

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Signal boost · 5:45pm February 1st

I know I'm not active here much. And I know many of you won't probably see this but please. If you can.


Go to this link and if you can. Help this person out! I hope I'm not too late to make this blog

Report Marcthelightspark2004 · 84 views ·

Bio Thing.

Name: Marcthelightspark. Or just Marc
Age: 20
Gender: Cisgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: March 20
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Religion: Agnostic
Political Orientation: Centrist Classical Liberal
Other things of note: A nerd of all kinds. From Warhammer 40k to Anime. Updates are slow as I'm more into reading than writing right now, but I do have plenty of plans for projects to come out. Crossovers are my bread and butter but if the whim comes over me I might write something else more original.

I'm glad you stopped by.

Comments ( 251 )
  • Viewing 247 - 251 of 251

Um cause I liked the comment that you left on a post I did

Comment posted by Help-Me deleted January 13th
  • Viewing 247 - 251 of 251
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Well. Your in deep.

You are. If you see this, then that means you are DEEP in my user page. How deep? Hmmmmmmm, that depends on what year or week or whatever you are in at the moment you are reading this. Just know that this is the deepest part of my page, no matter how deep it is. But, I commend you on going this deep, well done.