• Member Since 20th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2021


I make stories. They’re weird, but still technically stories.

The Comment Hall Of Fame

So how do I know when a pickle is a kamikaze and when it’s a normal pickle?

Also, I have an answer.

To know whether a pickle is Kamikaze is a complicated process, as one must hold the shear cognitive ability to comprehend such information, but to make one Kamikaze is another, as you don’t know specifically how it is a kamikaze, yet you feel it, if you have enough pickle Chi. But fear not Young one, for a Sensai is here to teach you.
You turn it upside down, lick it precisely 5 times, play the Communist anthem near it and then sing the following.
Why are we still here, just to suffer?
Yum yum in my tum, puffer. (?)

There you go.



Appropriate reaction

Gracias por mirando a me...tú acosador. Jajaja, es una broma.


Well hi there, thank you for the follow

Then he saw my true nature.

Thanks I love it.

So, Kamikaze means suicide? ANd pickle is a yummy vegetable, which is basically rotten cucumber. So, your name is rotten suicide veggie?

-Marcbot2004 :)


Reply to that reply (replyception)-

I'll take that as a yes.


Stuff I made

Blog Posts

  • 203 weeks

    I have 20 followers! woohoo

    0 comments · 196 views
  • 203 weeks
    I’m back

    I have been gone for like a year. Woah. That’s crazy to think about.
    I recently lost my password for this account, but after doing stuff I got it back. I had an acting account called ‘AGuy’ and I’m not sure how to delete it so if someone could help me do that (if anyone is here) that would be cool.

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    0 comments · 202 views
  • 259 weeks
    I’m back (not for very long tho)

    WHAT DID I mIsS?!
    Most of season 10?

    Besides from that, hi everyone! If anyone is still here :(
    I’m back from court stuff coz one of the cases lasted like 4 months!


    Well, if your wondering, there is a possibility I’ll finish mlp in a nutshell. (i hope i do)
    It is one of my better stories coz it’s barely a story.

    Updates for anyone who cares:

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    1 comments · 262 views
  • 278 weeks
    I changed my name

    Yeah. I did it because I don’t like pickles anymore.

    4 comments · 287 views
  • 282 weeks

    I’m back. And uhh I got news.

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    3 comments · 354 views

Ayyy · 5:50pm Aug 31st, 2020

I have 20 followers! woohoo

Report KamikazeKawaii · 196 views ·
Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 38 - 57 of 57

Hey, how's everything going mate, how's your dauther?

Welcome to The Devil Made Me Do It!


Thank you for the watch. Have a follow in return! :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much for the watch! :D

Well I'll be praying for God to give you the strength and energy through your work days. Hope all goes well with work...

As for me... Been busty with programming and looking for work... On the side when I have time I've been busy drawing my own comic and writing my own novel... Hope to finishing them soon. So I just posted two chapters for MLP Harmony Fallen and will be taking a break from fanfics until then.

Good luck again with work and I hope you find a baby sitter.

Tired. Thats why I replied so late. I got work tomorrow, then I need to find a babysitter. I’m spending most of my time in the firm and my office. I gotta go to court to speak for a Mother of two, suffering from an abusive relationship. Right now I’m watching One Punch Man, if your wondering.

How have you been?

So, Kamikaze means suicide? ANd pickle is a yummy vegetable, which is basically rotten cucumber. So, your name is rotten suicide veggie?

Can you put me in the comment hall of fame? Also, Bohemian Rhapsody is the best song ever.

Ah, ok. Good to know. Well, glad you liked it.

Liked the Chronicles of Light

  • Viewing 38 - 57 of 57
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