• Member Since 24th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Pony fan inspired by great writers such as Pen Stroke and Conner Cogwork

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Pony and Wolf productions read Luna Gets Wound Up · 10:22pm 7 hours ago

Hello everypony!

I have only just found out that the amazing Pony and Wolf productions have done a dramatic reading of Luna Gets Wound Up and it's absolutely brilliant!

They have done a lot of great readings and I feel very honored that they have chosen one of my stories to add to their collection.

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I understand.

I'm not interested in writing.

Happy Hearths Warming!
I hope this finds you well.
Today is the first time I have logged on in over 4 months – I am amazed at how quickly the time has passed.
I haven’t been on the website for a long time ‘cos my life’s still in a bit of a mess, and that is still limiting my ability to take on any projects. I don’t want to disappoint you with something that is late or not up to standard, so in fairness to you, I regret I must decline.
It sounds like you have some great ideas, so why not take the plunge and have a go at writing a story yourself?
If you don’t feel ready, there’s a lot of really good writers on the website, and you can always contact the staff for help in finding one or advice in getting started for yourself.
Thanks for your support, and I'm sorry I am not a position to help out at the moment.

Merry Christmas. Have you decided to do my request?.

You're welcome, and I'll wait until then.

Actually, It's Rainbow Dash and Soarin Wedding, with Scootaloo as a flower girl, Rumble and Spike as the ring bearer, and Spitfire as the mare of honor.

The DeviantArt user is Minty-melody, a DeviantArt user that do requests. She made my requests.

Thank you, I’m very honored!

I’m not in a position to take on any new commitments at the moment, but you’re welcome to look through my back catalogue. Please also feel free to have a look in my library and check out the stories I read; you may find you enjoy these too.

Nice artwork on your avatar btw - did you do it yourself?


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