Sadness and Death 159 members · 274 stories

For all who love a good sob story (god I hope I used that phase right!)

As I find them, I'll add stories of sadness and death.

If someone adds a story I don't see fit for this Group or the Folder, It will eather get deleted or moved.

Comments ( 3 )
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hey guys i just started illustrating my story "shadow of the heart" which you can read the full 4 chapter story on this site.


Im only finished illustrating chapter one but it is worth a see to see what i have done so far

My story wont fit in anyfolder until somepony writes a Sad fic on one of the main characters,
I Write OC stories and I have a couple stories that people sent me that im looking to add but idk yet Enjoy the red :pinkiehappy:

Added my story right to the group since it fits ALL the folders. :/

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