• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm good at writing.


Looking for an editor · 7:45pm Jul 28th, 2018

Wowee look at this Darkswirl missed another update cycle and now she wants something from you wowee.

All joking and self deprecation aside, I'm looking for a long time editor or editors from my surprisingly large follower base (seriously what the heck guys) who can be available at least three days a month to help with a variety of stories, many of which aren't going to see the light of day until they are finished and as polished as they can be.

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Filthy Shipping Corner

Author Information

I do NOT take requests.

Feel free to request me as an editor (if you're writing anything about Lightning Dust, your chance jumps to 99%)!

I am NOT obligated to finish any story. I do this for fun out of my own free time while juggling other, real life responsibilities. Do NOT demand that I finish a story or try to guilt trip me into finishing a story. Yes, sometimes I say that I will finish a story, but then something comes around and prevents me from doing so. Such is life.

I am the author of the Darkest Darkness Universe, whose group can be found HERE

I do my best to follow The Author's Bible

Current Projects & To-Dos:

July 27th, 2019
Fallout Equestria: Family Matters

  1. Miscellaneous notes
  2. Story Outline
  3. First draft
  4. Reflection, simulation, and advice
  5. Second draft
  6. Edits
  7. Publish

Notes: In the process of commissioning cover art.

Second Chances (Previously Darkest Darkness):
Publish Style: Sole completion

  1. Miscellaneous notes
  2. Story Outline
  3. First draft
  4. Reflection, simulation, and advice
  5. Second draft
  6. Edits
  7. Publish

Once Upon A Washout

  1. Miscellaneous notes
  2. Story Outline
  3. First draft
  4. Reflection, simulation, and advice
  5. Second draft
  6. Edits
  7. Publish

The Life and Times of A Royal Guard (Title WIP)

  1. Miscellaneous notes
  2. Story Outline
  3. First draft
  4. Reflection, simulation, and advice
  5. Second draft
  6. Edits
  7. Publish

Blooming Lotus, Burning Aloe

  1. Miscellaneous notes
  2. Story Outline
  3. First draft
  4. Reflection, simulation, and advice
  5. Second draft
  6. Edits
  7. Publish

Heart 𝄞Beats♫

  • Current Chapter: Chapter 9 - Consequences
  • Chapter Outline: Incomplete
  • Words:0
  • Paragraphs: 0
  • Scenes: 0
  • Overall Progress: 0%

Cor Tuum Audire
My Little Technology: Friendship is 404
The Story That Never Happened

Glorious Quote Showcase

Being the smooth, cool-under-pressure unicorn that she was, Vinyl choked on air and found that her mouth had gone too dry to speak.

-Vinyl and Octavia: University Days by DawnFade

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again, even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me. And then, when I am too broken to go on, I will float my dying body right down the throat of the darkness and make it choke on me.

-Fallout: Equestria by Kkat

“Aw, why is every pretty fluffy animal in this place so shy? I just want to make friends!” said the two-hundred-year-old monster to the mutated, murderous offspring of Mother Nature and Father Taint.

-Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by mimezinga

"Easy words for someone like you," Mirage said, stifling a sob. "You've never lived on the streets, starving to death." As she continued speaking, her volume increased. "You can't know what's like to have a hunger that no one can help you sate. To have ponies pity you and toss money at your hooves… knowing it won't help make the hunger go away." ... "How could you understand what it's like," she said. "... to sell your body to lonely ponies?" She looked away from him, pained. Insecure. Jet had never seen her this way before. Never this badly. He wished he never had. "Then you're left with nothing. Just the unsatisfying scraps of their love that were never truly meant for you."

-Illusions of Love by xRei

I was good at breaking things. So far I'd taken out her lenses, my vanity mirror. I'd shattered my illusion of my own comfortable world, where vampires and werewolves and monsters didn't exist and I wasn't a fillyfooler and my parents actually acted like they loved me. Everything I knew to be true was wrong. You can't fix what was broken. Only mend.

-My Roommate Is A Vampire by Dennis the Menace

“Will you show her kindness when she hurts, generosity when she wants, and laughter when she is sad? Will you be honest and loyal to her, that you both might be bound by the magic of your love?”

-Harmony Redux by errant

"I stood there waiting for my bones to explode. Fortunately, I didn’t really feel anything, so I took that as a victory."

-Secrets of a Royal Guard by Anzel

"...and perhaps most tellingly of all, you've merely ignored your paperwork, as opposed to setting fire to it." She noticed Dash's body tense. "No, don't."

-The Mare Who Once Lived on the Moon by MrNumbers

Serious Reviews

Falloutboy: Equestria is a highly regarded fanfiction, blending My Little Pony and Fallout by Bethesda. It tells the story of a sexually frustrated dwarf (Fallout 3: the Character) on her quest to invoke her inner lesbianism and find love in a desolate world. Along her quest, she meets Cowpony McLongshot, who mistakes her for a filthy heterosexual upon first contact. Later, she reunites with an old friend and longtime crush, Volvo Remedial, and eventually picks up two other friends: If We Traumatized A Pony Enough What Would Happen and Canned Angst - both of which hail from a dark history they'd rather leave forgotten. With her ancient and terrible powers of lesbianism, Sexually Frustrated Dwarf wreaks havoc on the remains of the wasteland in her frantic quest to mate with a fellow lesbianism, but hope seems lost until our hero meets one final character: Cameo, the Horse. Cameo, the Horse, is also a imbued with the chaotic powers of lesbianism, and calms Fallout 3: the Character's temper enough to mate. The story ends with Sexually Frustrated Dwarf entering a tower to lock her terrible powers away from the rest of the world.

Comments ( 279 )
  • Viewing 275 - 279 of 279

Sorry, never got an alert for this.
I haven't really given up, per se, mostly just changed tracks. I'm world building and writing a PnP rulebook for an expansive MLP AU tabletop game that I do sessions for, but I think I'm done writing traditional stories for a good while.

Given up on writing? Haven't seen any updates since my editing day.

Thank you for the follow! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 275 - 279 of 279
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