What would you feel if Twilight Sparkle committed suicide after when Twilights friends abandoned her? · 10:23pm Jun 27th, 2021
Me (Melee) and Skystar: For us, we would be really sad if that happened..
Me (Melee) and Skystar: For us, we would be really sad if that happened..
Like for example, brbr deng.
As on this book, https://www.fimfiction.net/story/486753/1/spikes-sacrifice/the-sacrifice
I received a downvote, I’m not mad or requesting for downvotes to be removed, but I was comforting Discord because he was sad in the comment section...
Me (Melee) and Skystar: For us, we would be really sad if that happened..
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thankyou for the fav! :D
Thanks for the favorite.
You’re very welcome!
Thank you for favouriting "Cozy Glow is Real".
Hi there! You are very welcome!
I love the “A Griffon’s Fairwell” story by the way!