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new story · 4:02pm Sep 10th, 2015

To those of you who follow me and is still willing to try and read some of my stories, despite the cancellation of the last story I had, Friendship, magic and pokémon.
I have a new story out, that I would love for you all to try and read through and give me your honest opinion and possibly a like/dislike depending on how much you enjoy/dislike the story itself.

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Report daniboyi · 562 views · Story: Champions of Harmony · #new story #LoL #MLP

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I pm you


Some serious assumption she felt bad because of her actions and not because she got caught.

It is clear that she did not expect the expulsion.
She still felt bad before.

That is not the response of a pony that feels bad for causing damage to others.

It is the response of a pony trying to play cool and safe her face.

She also saw Rainbow as her friend and took the time to wave her goodbye.

I´m not saying that Lightning is blameless or flawless, I´m saying she deserves a chance to redeem herself and to do better (it is clear that she can).
Starlight got one, Tempest Shadow got one, Discord got several, even Chrysalis was offered one but Lightning got the short end of the stick and lost everything.
This is not fair.

Comment posted by daniboyi deleted Oct 24th, 2017
Comment posted by daniboyi deleted Oct 24th, 2017

It was a pleasure to read. One of my most favorite stories on this site.

Also first time I truly cared for an AI character.

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