• Member Since 17th May, 2012
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Story Update · 8:06pm May 2nd

Hey everyone. I realize it's been a while since I posted anything on this site. Life's had me pretty busy since I moved and got my own place. I'm here today asking for your opinion on Raising a Human Daughter. Everytime I try going back to the story, I keep drawing a blank on what to do next... So what do you think I should do? Should I just retcon the RWBY bit or just say most of it happened offscreen? I realize that might be upsetting to some, but at this rate this story won't continue... And

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Comments ( 55 )
  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55

Thank you for your favorite of A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake! It means a whole lot to me!

So on your Infamous Second son story who's the main character

Hey, are you gonna updatr crystal's justice. I really liked it. Please don't tell me it's abandoned.

When are you going to update Raising a Human Daughter? It is a really good story.

  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55
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