welp, shit · 9:34pm Feb 4th, 2013
alright so i'm feeling good enough to post this blog so here's a rundown of what's going on.
>brother got me sick last night
>got me so sick i've been in bed this entire day so far
>just started feeling good enough to post this but i'll be offline after it's posted
>unable to write anything for the rest of today at the least. longer if it doesn't go away before then
> see you guys later
That's about all I've got to say
Thearcher20, out
Hey guys its me, thearcher20. due to trying everything i could think of to gain my account back, even pleading with people, ive been forced to move over to this account, i'll let you guys know everything with the blog im gonna post in a few minutes.
i hope i can cover everything.
edit: the blog is real old but still somewhere in the list of blogs i've posted. Feel free to stop by and say hi perhaps.
im personally loving it