• Member Since 26th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 4th, 2013



SORRY ABOUT THE LACK OF UPDATES!!! · 5:37pm Jan 21st, 2013

Been super busy with life outside of the internet lately (CRAZY I KNOW) so haven't had much time for pony. Fear not though as I am working on chapter three of Working out the Kinks! Thanks as always for your patience!

Report TritiumAge00 · 595 views ·

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Comments ( 10 )
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I agree with you Spazz-san. HE probably got hit by a carnivorous demon bus.:pinkiecrazy:

At this point I'm pretty sure he got hit by a bus.

haha! 69 followers

you still there?

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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