• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2023



Hiatus Update · 1:14pm Jul 18th, 2014

Hey guys, just wanted to post something to keep you in the loop. I've been extremely busy lately, and haven't had too much time for writing. Despite this, I am about halfway finished, maybe a bit more, with the next chapter for Sins of the Mother. So I'm hopeful that it should be out relatively soon. I'm not sure if I'll have enough free time to justify taking the story off hiatus, but I'll at least have another chapter out. In a small attempt to make up for the long periods between

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Comments ( 125 )
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I declare this writer RIP, may he/she find his way to a peaceful place where he/she rests...

Account Is dead.


27th April, 2012 - 15th Dec, 2016

Take care, m8.

When will you update Sins of the Mother?

You are alive yes?

  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125
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