• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen June 30th



A Ratio Approaching One and G5 - Ideas and Feedback Requested · 5:39am Feb 10th, 2022

In an earlier post, years ago by now I am certain, I discussed some other story ideas I wanted to try out. One of these was what I called "A Ratio Approaching One," where certain scenes/episodes of FiM were re-imagined in an Equestria where the ratio of mares to stallions was closer to 1:1. A different take from the usual Rule 63 story where it's all flipped for everyone. The main point was to explore the different social dynamics that would be brought about if only some of the cast were born

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Thankie for the fav on The Mayonnaise Ghost! :pinkiehappy:

Wait i think i know you weren’t you the guy who hung around the lilo and stitch fandom back in the day?

Some days ago I started to read A Brief Story of Equestria. Right now I've just finished reading the side stories.
Honestly, since a lot of time ago I wasn't as impressed as I was reading them. The story, the universe, the lore, the characters... All of that is commendable described. I could really get involved in the feelings, desires and regrets of the protagonists.
That said, I can't help but feel sad that the series is in hiatus since a couple of years ago. I would really love to see how the Talohoof war ended, some side story about Pansy and Trencher, maybe any brief moment of happiness that Princess Platinum could have felt... Not mentioning, of course, a story about Clover and Hurricane's first time.
I will be following you hoping someday you continue the series.
Kind regards.

How are things with 'Brief History' going?

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