• Member Since 25th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen June 18th


I am a thousand tiny ponies operating a mobile human suit for giggles.

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I'm done · 8:44am Nov 9th, 2016

I was starting work on plans to rebuild Scootamom. I had plans to do more writing. I had so many plans. All gone, now. Like tears in the rain. We're all already dead, and... I'm just so very tired, and done. Got nothing left. I'm sorry. I need to focus on surviving now in a very terrible world. I-

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Comments ( 71 )
  • Viewing 52 - 71 of 71

Do you have a status update more recent than 2016? I'm fairly sure you're still alive, so I'm hoping it hasn't gone that badly...
I'd love to see your stories update again, if you ever get the chance. Scootamom was excellent beyond my abilities to express...

Thank you so much for adding Since When Did Your Dog Become a Haytuber? to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

Hello there, how are you?

Will you be updating Dragoning her hooves soon?

> notices new favorite
"Oh there's more people faving the fic I--"
> Notices your name there
> Makes high pitched noise
Thank you so much for adding Scientific Progress to your favorites! I have been a huge fan of Scootamom for YEARS. It's nice to see someone who has been at my top recommendations for fanfics for years noticing a writer like myself.

I apologize if this is a touchy subject, but is "How Hard Could it Be?" cancelled for good?

Thanks for the fave! :raritywink:

Thanks for the fave on Born that way. I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding Baby Pictures to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

Thanks for the fave on The Celestia Code! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave on One Heck of a Case! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding To Cure Insanity Please Insert Ponies to your favorites. I hope that you enjoy it.

Thank you for adding Midnight Light to your favorites! It means a lot. ^_^

Thanks a lot for supporting Starring Trixie and your kind words! Have a follow for your trouble!

Thank you, for the favorite on Legacy, and the very kind comment. It's appreciated!:twilightsmile:

Hey, thanks for favoriting 'Rigging Up the Lights! :pinkiehappy: I really appreciate it, you know! :raritywink::twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 52 - 71 of 71
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