• Member Since 16th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I love long romantic walks to the fridge

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Ghost updates · 10:06am Oct 30th, 2013

I often get these strange bugs:

There are no new stories in my updates, but it shows that there is.

Report xonxt · 485 views ·
Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41

Thanks for adding my story The Return of Sunset to your reading list! I hope you like it! :twilightsmile:

🎵 What’s this? What’s this? There’s something in the air!
What’s this? There’s bell icons everywhere! 🎵
Thx for fav :yay:

no problem, mate. I loved both and can't wait for updates on the "Princesses" one.

Also thanks for adding Trixie's Infiltration to your library!

Thanks for the favourites on Cards Against Starlight and Cards Against the Princesses!

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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