• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen July 12th


My name was Razorbeam, and I am retired. (From Fanfiction)

Comments ( 301 )
  • Viewing 297 - 301 of 301

Thanks! It's really nice to hear that. I like to believe I still write good stuff, I'm just a lot quieter about it now. :twilightsheepish:

You wrote great stuff!

That means a lot to me, considering some of them are now a decade old. Hope they still entertain, and thanks for your remembrance!

I'm giving all of your fanfics a re-read :)

That, I can do. The efficacy of writing advice varies widely, though, lol. Thankfully, if you liked the old stuff, I'm pretty sure I've learned a lot and gotten quite a bit better along the way, so I might be more helpful now than I would have been back then.

  • Viewing 297 - 301 of 301
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