• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen April 11th



my English assignment · 6:09pm Sep 19th, 2014

Guys This is the true way I became a brony.
Through the fire and the flames

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Comments ( 57 )
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Thank you for the favourite on "The Mare Before the Nightmare". What did you like about it?

Thanks for the follow! And the user icon is sick. Always rember: Do Know Harm. :pinkiecrazy:

Thanks for the follow!

Thank you for your interest in Hunting Season!

Thanks for adding Wrestling A Rainbow to your favorites!

Thank you for the fav:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave on Hold Me

Thanks for faving Horse People Go Naked

Thank you again!!

Thank u for the fave of Raritys Mall! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

1714242 you're most kind thankyou. i can promise there will be more. i'm writing the final chapter now, but there are many more stories to come with Wildfire.

and thankyou for the follow :twilightsmile:

No problem, an awesome story, deserves an awesome rating. Oh and make more.

thanks for the fave on Canterlot Inferno

Majin Syeekoh

Thanks for following me!


Ahhh, cool! Then that'd be a non-specific Fallout/MLP crossover then, not an FO:E story, if you don't associate it with the universe. Would you agree?

Actually I was kicking around the idea of using my oc/story and falloutifing it.

Welcome to the Fallout: Equestria forums. I am Interloper, (one of) the Fallout: Equestria group's Overstallions (admins), and I'm here to help. If you need anything, or have any questions about the group, anything FO:E related, advice, where to start, etc, etc, please do PM me. Additionally, if you're planning on writing an FO:E sidefic, I suggest stopping by our forums and checking out one of our many guides that are pinned there.

Thanks for the fave on 'AppleBloom Gets Stuffed'! I've hopefully going to get something new out soon


Thanks for the follow!

My army grows :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 38 - 57 of 57
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