• Member Since 18th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 1st, 2012



To my followers · 5:11am Aug 25th, 2012

I've been working on another pony/human oneshot. It features a different member of the mane six and it takes place on Earth. It's around 9000 words so its been taking a while to edit. It should be up over the next couple of days. Just letting you guys know that I'm still thinking about ponis

Report doomguy · 1,323 views ·
Comments ( 44 )
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Christ, 9 years ago he was last online. I don't even know who this guy is and it still depresses me.

This happens....a lot :(

Still dead?

Well, whatever happened, good luck, and I still love your stories.

You're welcome.
I hope where he is, he's doing awesomely.

1720647 it's great to know his stories are still much appreciated. In behalf of his other fans who miss him, thank you.

  • Viewing 40 - 44 of 44
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