• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Olivine Ellva


A story idea up for adoption! · 2:45pm Jan 26th, 2013

Okay... So I just came up with a cross-over story idea that I personally think is absolutely brilliant.
And I have to admit. It is rather... Naaauuughtyyyy...

It is actually a rather simple premise.

Rainbow Dash is put into a situation where she and her friends are talking about stuff from
their pasts. Rarity pretty much brings up how Rainbow Dash always flies about, sporting a rather
untamed appearance. It builds up to the point where Rainbow Dash has to tell her friends

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Comments ( 32 )
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You made it through 30+ chapters. I guess that means you liked it then. Thanks.

I read through it all before I favorited.

Thanks for the fav on Death of a Queen. Hope you enjoy the story.


Thanks for reading my story. :heart:

Thanks for favouring Twilight's World.

  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32
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