• Member Since 14th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 18th, 2016



Not gone, and not forgotten · 8:52pm Oct 2nd, 2015

Hello, everyone.

I've been receiving messages recently from people concerned about the story, fearing it's dead or I'm not around anymore. While this is not the case, it's easy to see why many might think so.

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Report AnonymousMaterials · 2,827 views · Story: Mort Takes a Holiday ·

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Comments ( 95 )
  • Viewing 91 - 95 of 95

Hope you're doing well in life, I would love to see some progress in your story as well. I love it!

Hope you're doing well in life!

Just a shout out for my love of your wrighting. Hope your doing well.

Thank you for what’s been written.

I don't think they are coming back at this stage...

  • Viewing 91 - 95 of 95
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