• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 54 minutes ago


Writer and idea-maker. I'm also a gamer (Nightfire170295 if you want to add me on Xbox).

Goals and/or things to do

[X] Get 100 followers
[ ] Get 200 followers
[ ] Finish Duellum Telum
[ ] Do at least two "ask" blogs for each story
[X] Rack up 1000 views on Max
[X ] Rack up 2000 views on Max
[ ] Rack up 3000 views on Max
[ ] Finish part of my CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure)
[ ] Finish my CYOA

Latest Stories


KINETICA · 5:54am Sep 17th, 2017

Eeyup, that old PS2 game from 2001. I've been playing an old copy I have that still works and I thought "Too bad there isn't much out there of fans for this game. Won't find many stories about this." Then I had an idea. If it hasn't been done on here before, I could do it.

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Report Moon_Fire · 567 views ·
Comments ( 238 )
  • Viewing 234 - 238 of 238

o you watched me

No sorry. I follow everyone that follows me, so I might've posted a comment on his page giving him thanks for the follow, but I don't remember as it was so long ago.

  • Viewing 234 - 238 of 238
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