• Member Since 26th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2019



When I should write · 1:10pm Jun 8th, 2012

When I'm playing a game I think "I should write."

When I'm watching a movie I think "I should write."

When I'm eating I think "I should write."

When I'm out for the day I think "I should write."

When I'm reading I think "I should write."

When I'm staring at the google document, ready to write, I think about anything but writing.

Damn you, internet.

Report Diexna · 471 views ·

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Comments ( 7 )
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Even though I know you haven't been by in weeks, I just wanted to say that I miss seeing new chapters of this and helping you edit them.

It's lucky that I misplaced my sharp stick of encouragement, otherwise I would have started badgering you to write chapter 16 a loooong time ago.

So I uploaded both chapters of my story to the Training Grounds, hoping that I can get the story up to EQD's standards.

It's taken longer than I expected to get chapter two written (read: 'I procrastinated the entire time and got most of my writing done in the small hours of the morning on a notepad.'), but hopefully I'll get a response soon. Who knows, maybe the story will be on EQD sooner than I think.

Perquisition reminds me of another fic known as "Antipodes" another famous piece of writing.

Thanks! If you want to take a look at it, here's the URL: http://bmgf.bulbagarden.net/f425/my-little-pony-perquisition-magic-test-mission-non–pokemon-rp-130086/

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