• Member Since 19th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2012



Deleting Iron Pony · 5:24pm Dec 25th, 2012

Sorry to anyone (if any) who are reading it. But the reason is that there are 7 dislikes and 4 likes. But thats because, when I first publish it, it was rejected due to it taking every ounce was copied from the movie.

Don’t worry, I'll post it back up as soon as I can.

Report Superior-Doc-Fossil · 654 views ·

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Anyone remember why this guy was (perm?)-banned? I'm just curious.

I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

huh so your the author of the Elements of Nature, I remember seeing them once, didn't actually read/put on read later list due to at the time having 20 or so already there, eh ill read em later, right now im trying to see if i can keep going through 30 peoples walls only by clicking on people in the previous persons comment section, as well as leaving a comment

Thanks for favoriting The Brother and The Sitter

Thanks for the watch!
Good things will come your way! :twilightsmile:

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