• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 9th, 2013

BlockHead Jones


Wow · 5:27pm Aug 28th, 2013

*looks up* whaaaaat I haven't been on for a month??

Report BlockHead Jones · 619 views ·
Comments ( 233 )
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*looks up* whaaaaat I haven't been on for a month??
More like Years.

That's understandable, now I would like if you would spread the word about to the fans of RR, I want to talk to them and get to know them on a personal level. Skype info or other types or contact like xbox live and such, could you do that for me?

720360 Unfortunately I've never really liked being read to. It ruins the voices I build for the characters in my head, y'know? Thanks for the offer though.

Sorry that we don't see eye...but that is what happened to me, if you were only here a year later.. anyway... my blog will come soon but my offer still stands

714027 bro I've had that story in my read later list for something approaching half a year now, of course I want the third chapter. Also, I disagree. Ponies can bring whatever the author gives them, because ponies are people.l... Rather, constructs built by people for the purpose of self expression.

  • Viewing 229 - 233 of 233
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