• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 5th, 2019

Late Night Delight

I like to read and review things. I also write about horses and horse related material.


I'm a 21 year old US Marine. I write stories of horses and horse related materials

I cringe at everything I've ever done forevermore

No, I was never a communist. I just have an unhealthy fascination with post revolutionary Russia and the Soviet Union.


Comments ( 337 )
  • Viewing 333 - 337 of 337

Because of my inactivity on this site and the fact I adopted it off is why.

Why is a password needed to see a not so lonesome road?

I had forgot about putting you as the original I am so sorry. I did it now sorry I forgot to do that

I'm going to keep it up until someone actually adds something

  • Viewing 333 - 337 of 337
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