• Member Since 11th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen June 16th


I'm not exactly the best of writers... I hope to dear god I'm not the worst.

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Story and chapter progress!

Chapters will be worked on on days where I do not work OR after I get home from work, word counts will be updated as they change.

Power of the Asterisks: Chapter 1 - 3500+ words. Chapter 2- 2800+ words We're almost there folks! One chapter left to go!

FFXIV crossover(unnamed) -
New crossover - Will be looking for pre-readers. PM if interested! Will not be posted until at least 10 chapters are done... yeah bit of a long one but I want to be committed before posting it entirely. Yes Messing With Fire has been cancelled entirely. So far, Thanks to Zerochill for looking at my first chapter! I've taken your notes into consideration and edited it to hopefully correct those problems. If anyone else wishes to look at it, PM me and I'll send a link.

Chapter 1 is done. Working on chapter 2

A New World, A New Horde
Chapter 8- Started now... More of Experiment's repetoire will be unveiled and perhaps I'll get the Project Manipulator scene right... For those of you who have played FFXIV, think Burden of the Father and then you'll realize what the team there is facing. A small portion is done so far.

Hidden project - Right so I'd better explain. A couple weeks ago I had one of the weirdest dreams. From said dream I was able to take a small concept for a story. Gave it a couple days, adding, refining, removing bad elements... and I have a concept that will be my first truly unique story. This will not be posted until it's complete. But I have a gameplan for it and I hope it will be glorious... and no it's not clop. I don't go to that level.

Awesome Video Game Music of the Week!

My friend introduced me to undertale.... yeah you get where this is going.

and as an apology for not being on too often due to a laptop malfunction i give you a fuckton of ffxiv musics.


Final Fantasy XIV Patch 3.4 trailer Soul Surrender · 12:09pm Sep 17th, 2016

Man I have been waiting for awhile for this to see how Square would make it work and truthfully? I don't think they disappointed. For those of you who play the game, what do you look forward to most? For those that don't, anything in here that would make you consider it?

Report TSLsmokey · 363 views ·

Amazing Videos(Minimum of 1 per month, max of 1 per week)

This video can be described in 3 words. Never. trust. Nanners.

Comments ( 91 )
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2040226 I believe I have heard that. Through my phone on an app I think. I play it primarily on ps4. While I can play it on my pc, it can't run 24-man raids there and I'm pretty certain the new EX trial is too chaotic to be run there as well.


Don't take my word for it, but you can probably link FFXIV to Discord.

2039743 Interesting little site to be sure. It'll take a bit for me to figure it out but i'll probably hang in there every so often... when FFXIV doesn't have my soul

We have a new chat link btw.

Here it is

  • Viewing 87 - 91 of 91
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Favorite Quotes

"Don't curse the darkness- Light a candle! When freaky aliens give you lemons, make freaky alien lemonade." - Hades, Kid Icarus Uprising

"Have the courage to think and act on your own, and have the courage to disobey." - Conjurer Yulyana, Bravely Default

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your INFORMED opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant." - Harlan Ellison

"Why create when it will only be destroyed? Why cling to life, knowing that you have to die?" - Kefka Palazzo, Final Fantasy VI

"Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men, and ladies, and ladies who dress like men! For Gilgamesh, it's morphing time!" - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

"And when the patient woke up, his skeleton was missing! And the doctor was never heard from again! Anyways, that's how I lost my medical license." - Medic, TF2

"What fun is there in making sense?" - Discord

"Thy life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow. To listen, to suffer, to entrust unto tomorrow... In one fleeting moment for the land doth life flow. Yet in one fleeting moment for anew it doth grow. In the same fleeting moment, thou must live, die, and know." - Answers FFXIV