• Member Since 16th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 19th, 2020

Ssendam the Masked

My mask protects me from gas and Internet gnomes. What's your mask?



Music · 11:28am Oct 6th, 2015

Report Ssendam the Masked · 685 views · Story: Light 'em Up ·

Check here.

Why aren't you checking.
Also, my Hylian name is Rolh NirĂ¼

Latest Stories

Get more excited, cause it's only gonna get weirder.


Madness and decay!

Nitwit! Palindrome! Synonym! Tweak!
Thank you.

Writing Process


Writing Process

Things I do when slacking.

Comments ( 49 )
  • Viewing 45 - 49 of 49

You dead again?

So, any plans to continue the glorious madness of your roadtrip story? I'd love to do a crossover sometime, if you're continuing it.

Hi, Here is A Private Message Regarding 8 MLP Displaced Stories That I Highly Recommend for you to make...http://www.fimfiction.net/manage_user/messages/9163041
...Nuff Said.
with thanks and Hopes Up,
From Your Biggest #1 Fan of all time,
Shane W.L. Nokes aka James S.K. Plasma aka Dark-Pulse/Darkimus-Primal

  • Viewing 45 - 49 of 49
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