• Member Since 6th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Sunday



A Treasy On Equestrian Magic · 2:38am Jun 18th, 2015

I have formulated basic theory on how Equestrian magic works. The general idea goes, that it's the Tree of Harmony. When the Tree was dying, unicorn magic went berserk. Keep that in mind. Now, when a unicorn wants to cast a spell, they are sending a message to the Tree. Misfires happen when they sent a "typo". The Tree itself possesses large amounts of magical energy(lets just call it mana- the power of a place), while living things possess much smaller pools of magic(prana- the power of a

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Comments ( 397 )
  • Viewing 393 - 397 of 397

Didn’t you get in a battle with the Grimm reaper


What if Discord was the GOD OF CHAOS himself undercover!?

That would easily explain why he was missing all along.

Is Journal of a conquering sorcerer canceled?


That's all I want to hear.

  • Viewing 393 - 397 of 397
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