• Member Since 15th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen July 15th

Ebony Gryphon

I put on my Walter face on as I get my swag on in my I hate baby ducks t shirt and my Make America Great Again hat.


The New Commandments · 5:56pm Dec 14th, 2022

So, yeah. Some enviromental activist went unto the mountain to throw down the tablets. Love a bit of blasphemy in the morning. But for the sake of fairness, I shall offer said Commandments and my thoughts.

Ho boy:ajbemused:

1. We are stewards of this world.

Bible already says that, more specifically we hold dominion over it, I believe. Not a commandment, just a statement.

2. Creation manifests divinity.

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Report Ebony Gryphon · 193 views · Story: The Three Knight Errant ·

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Tea God bless! God loves you, now and forever.

Celestia, I don't care whether or not you approve of my outlook!

+ follow. Is cool pone:twilightsmile:

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The New Commandments · 5:56pm Dec 14th, 2022

So, yeah. Some enviromental activist went unto the mountain to throw down the tablets. Love a bit of blasphemy in the morning. But for the sake of fairness, I shall offer said Commandments and my thoughts.

Ho boy:ajbemused:

1. We are stewards of this world.

Bible already says that, more specifically we hold dominion over it, I believe. Not a commandment, just a statement.

2. Creation manifests divinity.

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Report Ebony Gryphon · 193 views · Story: The Three Knight Errant ·

The New Commandments · 5:56pm Dec 14th, 2022

So, yeah. Some enviromental activist went unto the mountain to throw down the tablets. Love a bit of blasphemy in the morning. But for the sake of fairness, I shall offer said Commandments and my thoughts.

Ho boy:ajbemused:

1. We are stewards of this world.

Bible already says that, more specifically we hold dominion over it, I believe. Not a commandment, just a statement.

2. Creation manifests divinity.

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Report Ebony Gryphon · 193 views · Story: The Three Knight Errant ·

My eyes have been opened!

Here's a list of how I've fucked up folks. A tip of a hat to Lord Solaris Pentacost

1: Get Microsoft Word, and listen to everything the spelling and grammar checker tells you.

2: Study English. Grade school these days doesn't do it justice. There are guides across the internet. Read them.

3: TvTropes. Good website, it'll show you the building blocks behind stories. Knowing them will help.

4: What you want to write, might not be what people want to read. The key balance there is to figure out what people like to read and what you'll be comfortable writing. Military stories (and dark stories for similar reasons) are always very confronting and tend to make readers uncomfortable. In fact, this link will explain why.

The usual excuses here are "I do what I want" and "It's art, I don't need to explain it". Thing is, you're posting stuff publicly, for people to look at, so on some level you want it to be popular. I can tell you right now, comments praising your story are the greatest thing ever.

Finally, your major malfunction, and the reason I don't like you. You're posting a story to a group of around 700+ people, every time you do that they get a notification. Suddenly, those people wonder if Chengar or someone else has posted another incredible story, or an interesting topic on the forum. Instead they get you. Every time you do that, you tell people to turn those notifications off, and so they end up missing the very stories and topics they joined the group for.

In short, you're spamming them, Ebony.

Appreciate it mate:twilightsmile: Don't agree much with number four, that's why its crossed out, but your entitled to your opinion. As for the rest of the group, my apologies. I'll try harder in the future